The Peel Paramedic Association (PPA) was formed in 2004 after the sudden death of Paramedic Murray Charland. Some employees of the Paramedic Service recognized the need for a non-partisan organization to help for such events, as well as to work in the community to help others in need.
The role of the PPA quickly expanded to include Lobby efforts towards local, provincial and federal officials with a focus on improving Pre Hospital Care and Paramedicine within the Region of Peel.Our role also expanded to include community health and safety programs and the promotion of the Paramedic Profession as a whole.
In November of 2004, the PPA was officially incorporated as a not for profit charity, registered with Revenue Canada.This decision was made to help create an organization that was designed for longevity, transparency and receptiveness to local needs.
The PPA was incorporated under the following 'objects of incorporation' and our financial statements can be found on the Canadian Revenue Agency website.
- The promotion and protection of health and safety within the community
- To promote and participate in all phases of education pertaining to health care, including specifically the education of Paramedic Professionals
- To liase with other charitable, non-profit community and government agencies in the promotion of health, pre hospital care and emergency responses within the community.
The PPA today is one of the most active and respected Associations in the province, and we hold official chapter status with both the Ontario Paramedic Association and the Paramedic Association of Canada, yet remains independent and locally governed by an elected Board of Directors
The PPA is all-inclusive and has members from both Management and road staff. We support all aspects of Paramedicine and advocate for the highest level of Pre-hospital care in the community.
The Region of Peel operates the Paramedic Service within the Region, and the Paramedics are represented by OPSEU Local 277 for labour relations.
We invite you to browse our website at www.peelparamedics.ca to learn more about our organization and the professionals who provide emergency care in the community.